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ThinkingSTEM Resources

Thinking:STEM Resources

A photograph of a blackboard showing equations.

On this page you can find the pre-work for the Thinking:STEM session on 26th June as well as resources for on the day.


Please dedicate one hour to the pre-work for the session on 26th June. If you do not have time to complete the pre-work before 26th June, a room will be available between 9-10am on June 26th (main session starts at 10am) where you can bring a device with headphones and to complete the pre-work before the main session begins.

What is active learning?

Active learning is an approach to teaching that places students at the centre of the learning process. Active learning places importance on students using higher order thinking skills (applying, analysing, evaluating, creating) as part of the learning process. Students engage with these thinking skills by participating in activities that enable them to explore and apply what they are learning via opportunities that encourage them to think, discuss, investigate and create. By giving students the opportunity to engage with what they are learning in this way, the students are supported to develop a deeper level of understanding of their subject. Active learning is about the skills the student develops as well as the subject content they learn.

We will consider what active learning is in detail in the session on 26th June.

Hearing from others

Please now watch the six videos below. In total they will take 43 minutes to watch but they do not need to be watched all at once. The videos support the discussion that we will be having on the day.

Whilst you watch the videos, please be considering the question given beside them to help you think about the content more deeply. Jot down your thoughts in relation to the questions and bring these along to the session on 26th June. There will be a board for you to add post it notes to with your thoughts.

Thank you to our three speakers in the videos:

  • Dr James Van Yperen, Lecturer in Maths, Department of Maths, University of Sussex.
  • Prof. Elena Nardi, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia.
  • Thomas Hobson, Senior Lecturer, Foundation Studies Centre, University of Lincoln.
Video 1 – Why do you believe we should we use active learning to support teaching mathematical content in STEM? (4 mins 45s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: What are your current thoughts on the use of active learning for teaching mathematical content in STEM subjects?

Video 2 – Could you share an example of your favourite experience of your students engaging with active learning when you have been teaching them mathematical content? (9 mins 06s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: What examples can you think of where you have had the opportunity to see your students’ thought processes in action during a teaching session?

Video 3 – What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome when introducing active learning into your teaching of mathematical content and how did you overcome it? (7 mins 45s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: What do you think is/would be your main challenge(s) for implementing active learning in your teaching?

Video 4 – What evidence do you have for the difference using active learning approaches for teaching mathematical content has made to your students? (8 mins 13s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: What difference would you like active learning to have for your students?

Video 5 – What do you know now that you wish you knew when you first started implementing active learning in your teaching of mathematical content? (7 mins 12s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: How might you act differently now based on the advice you have heard?

Video 6 – Is there anything else you would like to share with the audience? (6 mins 18s)

Question to consider whilst watching the video: What is your latest thinking on using active learning to support your students when they are learning mathematical content?

This is the end of the pre-work for the session on 26th June.

Resources for in the session on 26th June

The resources below are for use during the session on 26th June. Copies will be provided in the session. (Links will become active after the session).

  • Handout 1
  • Handout 2
  • Handout 3
  • Handout 4
  • Handout 5

Task for the next session (September 4th)

Details will be added at the end of the session on 26th June.