Previous EdLab Events and seminars
Previous EdLab Events and Seminars

Twelve pedagogies of Christmas
We bring you a Christmas market with stalls displaying a range of of pedagogies to get hands-on and experiment with in this drop in session with cake and mince pies in the Teaching and Learning Centre.
More information to follow soon.
Date: Tuesday 10th December 2024, 12-2pm. Teaching and Learning Centre, Durham University
Open to all

Education for Sustainable Development Workshop
Have you heard about Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and want to know more? Are you looking for ways to integrate ESD within your curriculum?
This is the first of two workshops about how to build Education for Sustainable Development into your teaching. In the workshop we will be explaining our approach to ESD and there will be the opportunity to try out activities to develop ESD competencies.
19 November 2024, 10am – 4pm, Teaching and Learning Centre, Durham University
Open to all

Generative AI – is this education’s “tractor moment”?
This Education Lab seminar considered just how disruptive AI will be. Does AI have the potential to be as disruptive as the agricultural revolution on farmers? Dr Malcolm Murray offers a series of lenses through which to consider AI, exploring the darker side of the technology as well as the affordances.
Image created by DALL-E 3
25 October 2024, 1-2pm, Teaching and Learning Centre, Durham University
Open to all

A series of two interactive workshops developing participants’ knowledge and confidence around using active learning techniques for teaching mathematical content in STEM subjects in HE. Day two of the workshop provides participants with the opportunity to experiment in a supportive, risk-free environment using active learning techniques to deliver a trial teaching session they have designed themselves.
Session 1: Wednesday 26th June 2024, In person in Durham, 10am to 3.30pm
Session 2: Wednesday 4th September 2024, In person in Durham, 10am to 3.30pm
Attendees are requested to attend both sessions as they are a linked programme.
Open to all

Helping students to think creatively
Are you curious to learn more about ways to enhance students’ creative thinking in your teaching or in developing researchers?
In this interactive workshop, members of the Creative Pedagogies Research Group at Durham University will showcase a variety of approaches to promote students’ creative thinking in different contexts. This session is relevant to colleagues who teach at undergraduate or postgraduate level or are involved in developing researchers.
17th June 2024
12 – 1.30pm
Interactive online workshop
Open to all

EdLab Seminar:
W(h)ither universities in the era of Generative AI?
Thursday 2nd May
2.30pm – 3.30pm
Hybrid: In person and online
Open to all

Making space for your own scholarship when your to-do list is overwhelming
Thursday 18th April, Online, 11-12.30pm
Open to all